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Gospel Rescue Mission
Center of Opportunity

4550 S Palo Verde Road
Tucson, AZ 85714
Phone: (520) 740-1501

Gospel Rescue Mission

Not just food, shelter or clothing... But much more. Since 1953 Gospel Rescue Mission in Tucson, AZ has been a relief for those caught in the shackles of homelessness and addiction - cutting through the chains of circumstances binding these men and women and reestablishing them on the road of freedom and hope.
Gospel Rescue Mission
Gospel Rescue Mission3 days ago
#ScriptureSunday Follow Where He Leads

This week, we are looking at what it means to walk in the Spirit.
This month, we have discussed that once we receive Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us. Because He lives in us, we need to be aware of two essential things to live our lives by His direction.

First, we need to throw off the things that would hinder us. There are so many things in the world that we live in that vies for our attention. So many of those things cause us to take our eyes off Jesus. It is so important that we fix our eyes on Him and ask ourselves the question, "Does this draw me closer to Jesus, or does it hinder my walk with Him?"

Hebrews 12:1,2
1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The second is that if you have the Holy Spirit, you hear His voice. John 10:3 says that the sheep hear the shepherd's voice. He calls us by name and leads us.

This week, cast off those things that hinder you. Focus on your relationship with Jesus. Tune out the voices of the world. Listen to the voice of the Spirit and follow where He leads

#scripturesunday #grmtucson #gospelrescuemission
Gospel Rescue Mission
Gospel Rescue Mission5 days ago
We are deeply grateful to the Arizona MultiHousing Association for their generous donation to the Center of Opportunity. Their visit to the Gospel Rescue Mission was a true blessing, as they presented us with a check that will make a significant difference in our mission to serve those in need. To show our appreciation, we had the honor of serving them a delicious lunch and giving them a tour of our campus, showcasing the work we do every day. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for their kindness and support, which will help us continue to make a positive impact in our community. Thank you so much for partnering with us and helping to change lives.

#thankfulthursday #centerofopportunity #gospelrescuemission #azmultihousing
Gospel Rescue Mission
Gospel Rescue Mission1 week ago
“It takes one person to change one life”

Born in Phoenix to a teenage mother who was battling her own addictions, Jamie and her siblings were raised by her grandmother. Jamie quickly took on the responsibilities due to the absence of her mother.

When her brother faced imprisonment, she didn't hesitate. She stepped up, taking on his legal consequences, a decision that would lead her to prison and expose her to drugs.

While in prison, at her lowest moment, she heard a voice, “He started speaking to me. If you don't change now, how are you going to make it out there?”

Jamie faced the loss of her mom, additional prison time, and declining health, and each time she tried to distance herself from God. But He never left her.

“He's been calling me and calling me… he's restored my health, my mental and physical, and not only that, he's pointing me in the directions he's wanted me”

After spending ten years in prison, the streets of Tucson became her next battlefield. Homeless, battling health issues, it was a miracle Jamie survived. Congestive heart failure, diabetes, legs swollen with pain—she fought but Methamphetamine and alcohol became her survival tools.

In a moment of critical health crisis, Jamie's AA sponsor orchestrated what she calls a divine miracle. While hospitalized and barely conscious, her sponsor insisted she stay in Tucson to heal.

And so, Jamie came to Gospel Rescue Mission to heal.

“I was learning how to work with learning tools, how to fix my life, how to cope with all my emotions,” she said, “it was God who brought me here. And I see that as the bigger picture, because I've healed so much. It’s to the point where my heart was at 28% it's now at 50% and still going.”

“This has been a life changing experience for me, and I can honestly say within my heart, God speaks into me, that my life has been transformed.”

Her story isn't just about overcoming addiction or homelessness, it’s about radical transformation. About how we should choose a life and faith in God repeatedly, even when every circumstance suggested otherwise.

To hear more stories like Jamie's visit
#testimonytuesday #gospelrescuemissiontucson