"I Pray Every Day Now"
Chris’s life was once dominated by a dark spiral of addiction. From a young age, he found comfort in alcohol, which ultimately led him into a destructive cycle of substance abuse that included meth, cocaine, and even stealing to support his habits.
Growing up in a household plagued by addiction, Chris struggled to find his faith in God due to his parents abusing drugs while trying to teach him about God. Because of witnessing this Chris unfortunately embraced a rebellious lifestyle, dropping out of school and immersing himself in the rock and roll culture of sex, drugs, and self-worship.
Chris's life took a pivotal turn one night when he asked God if He was real, to bring a woman into his life who would change his perspective on Christianity. Two years later, he met his wife. The two fell deeply in love and soon welcomed a son into the world. This child played a significant role in Chris's transformation. He said to himself "I'm not gonna let him grow up the way I did," "I'm gonna protect him from all the things that happened to me."
It was then that Chris began to reconnect with his faith, slowly building a relationship with God, even as he continued to battle his addictions. He still felt stuck and knew he couldn’t do it alone, and knew he needed an extra push to break those chains to set him free.
It wasn’t until he lost his home that he told himself, “Either get sober or become homeless.”
Today, Chris is a changed man; his life was transformed by his unwavering faith and the support he found at GRM, with the recovery program that welcomed him and his family with open arms. He shares, "I give the Lord thanks that I even have this opportunity to be here, be sober, know His word, and give him praise and thanks."
As he looks to the future, Chris carries with him a message of hope, encouraging others to take that first step towards sobriety and a life of spiritual fulfillment.
To read more about our programs and how we change a life's like Chris's, visit
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