Press Room
Gospel Rescue Mission is committed to serving the vulnerable and often we are recognized in the media as we celebrate milestones or reach out to the community for support. Below is a list of articles about Gospel Rescue Mission.
If you are press and would like to speak to someone from Gospel Rescue Mission, please contact Bruce Beikman:

Some Gifts Don’t Come in a Box
December 2023 • Commercial
Hope. Shelter. Transformation. Some gifts don’t come in a box, donations support our mission to take people from homeless to wholeness. Consider helping this holiday season to share joy and love with your neighbor.

Thanksgiving Blessings To Go
November 2023 • Commercial
GRM’s biggest food outreach of the year happens the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. For 35 years GRM has been giving thanks to the community by hosting a Thanksgiving meal to those in need. Dine in or drive through.

National Recovery Month
September 2023 • Commercial
September is National Recovery Month – “Every Person, Every Family, Every Community”, and emphasizes that recovery is possible for everyone. If you know someone who needs help or you need help, please reach out.

Summer Heat
June 2023 • Summer Commercial
Most of us can’t live without our air conditioning, but fortunately for our homeless neighbors, there’s one way to escape the summer heat. Gospel Rescue Mission provides a comfortable and safe place…

Brittney’s Story
May 2023 • Testimonial
My life was falling apart. I lost my car, I lost my housing, I even lost my daughter. So when I got to gospel Rescue Mission, I received the tools, the resources, and the love to be able to get my life back…

Blessings to Go
April 2023 • News Coverage
Our Annual Easter Blessings to Go outreach happened on April 7th, 2023. This year, we prepared 3,000 meals for our hungry and hurting neighbors. Your generous donations have and continue to make a world of difference this Easter season…

Jaime’s Story
February 2023 • Testimonial
I found myself homeless and now living in a car for a couple of weeks with my two sons. I knew GRM could help and be a safe place, a place I can seek the Lord and return to Him.

Thank You
January 2023 • Commercial
Thanks to your support, I’ve been sober over a year and now I have an opportunity for a new life. Your support has helped us get back onto the right path. Your support helped change my life…

Some Gifts…
December 2022 • Commercial
Some gifts don’t come in a box.

Governor Ducey
October 2022 • Press Conference
We were honored and thrilled when Governor Doug Ducey stopped by the Center of Opportunity and expressed his commitment to our vision of bringing permanent solutions to the crisis of homelessness…

Give Real Help
August 2022 • Commercial
We welcome the hungry and hurting; we address their immediate needs; we build authentic relationships; we share the Gospel so that total transformation happens. The grace of Christ is an amazing gift to be shared with everyone…

You’re Not Alone
May 2022 • Commercial
At Gospel Rescue Mission Tucson we can help you if you’re struggling with homelessness, drugs, addiction, domestic abuse, or are a victim of violence and crime. We have resources to help you break the chains that are holding you back.