April 2020 - Gospel Rescue Mission

Where is hope


Where is hope

For America and the world, the crisis continues. I am praying for you, for hope and safekeeping. Meanwhile, I am witnessing the power of your love, your Christ-like compassion, your generosity, your faithfulness, every single day, here at Gospel Rescue Mission.

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Blessings …to go

To serve the individuals and families who are affected by the Coronavirus (COVID–19) pandemic, Gospel Rescue Mission has launched “Blessings… to Go” a new, low-touch, drive-through event to distribute food bags and more to those in great need.

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Meet the Staff

Ever wonder what fuels the fire in the hearts of our staff for the homeless and hurting? Starting this month, we’ll be introducing you to the outstanding men and women who work tirelessly to see lives transformed – to get a peek into what brought them to the Mission and what keeps them going.

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