What’s more “Christmas” than a partridge in a pear tree? How about twelve lives transformed – thanks to you!
Keep Reading12 Lives Transformed
Charitable Tax Credit
The end of the year is coming up fast, but there’s still time to make a tax-deductible gift that changes lives!
Keep ReadingThank You!
Hunger in our community is on the rise and, with your support, Gospel Rescue Mission is there to stand in the gap!
Keep ReadingBob Caylor
When Bob says that his ties to Gospel Rescue Mission go way back, he’s not kidding.
Keep ReadingTamara Bolthouse
We talk a lot about caring for our guests and how, with your support, we help them move from homeless to wholeness. But what about the people who serve them?
Keep ReadingYou Can Change Lives at Thanksgiving Blessings to Go!
Keep ReadingHomeless to Wholeness
People are complex and so are the solutions required to put broken lives back together. But when you focus on only one aspect of, for example, someone’s addiction, the chance of that person relapsing increases.
Keep ReadingRainbow Connection
Rainbow, our new Creative and Marketing Coordinator, has a huge heart for our guests at Gospel Rescue Mission. For her, it’s easy to walk in their shoes, to understand where they’re coming from - because she’s been there.
Keep ReadingBuilding a Future
Helping many find work and self-sufficiency Food and shelter. Both are critical for rebuilding a life.
Keep ReadingThe Center of Opportunity Turns 2
This month is special, not only because it’s the second anniversary of the opening of the H.S. Lopez Family Foundation Center of Opportunity, but it also represents a new milestone for transformation in Tucson.
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